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Api 1102 Latest Edition Of Internet


A cover less than 4 feet minimum clear is prohibited for crossings. Besides, it's not a good idea to interpolate those curves at lesser depths, since the loads become much more concentrated on the arc of the pipe. Lesser depths might be contemplated for private drives (ONLY in extreme circumstances which probably would not be approved), but only with significant mechanical protection provided between the surface and the pipeline, such as a thick reinforced concrete slab, or box culvert. Anybody I know would require that the pipeline be lowered, or the road surface raised.

Api 1102 latest edition of internet explorer

Do not interpolate under any circumstances. From 'BigInch's Extremely simple theory of everything.' RE: API RP 1102 Question (Mechanical).

Api 1102 Latest Edition Of InternetEdition

A RESTful API is an application program interface that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data.A RESTful API - also referred to as a RESTful web service - is based on representational state transfer technology, an architectural style and approach to communications often used in web services development.

GASCalc Information - Bradley B Bean PE Bradley B Bean PE. GASCalc GASCalc™ 5.0 Is the latest release of our popular suite of analytical tools. It was specifically developed to aid in the design and operation of natural gas distribution, gathering, transmission, plant, and fuel piping systems. It includes routines for calculating a variety of stress, flow, and pressure values for devices and pipe associated with virtually any piping application that transports or delivers natural gas. Its wide range of features provide the ability to investigate piping problems from the well head to the burner tip. Some of its features include. Pipe Flow & Pressure Values - More than twenty different industry related pipe flow equations are supported for sizing and calculating pressure loss across pipe and fittings.

Also included are routines for calculating blowdown and venting values, purging and clearing values, fill time, pipe volume, and service line sizing. Regulator & Relief Valve Values - Support is provided for calculating pressure and flows through a variety of regulator and relief valve devices. The routines allow analysis of single devices or devices configured in various “station” arrangements. Devices from multiple manufacturers can be compared side-by-side, or in combination in a station configuration. Support is provided for both table and equation based performance data.

These routines are perfect for performing annual relief valve capacity checks. Stress Values - Routines are included for calculating a variety of pipe stress values including bending stress on pipe spans, thermal expansion and contraction, hoop stress, stress caused by roadway and railway crossings, steel and plastic pipe design formulas, total combined stress, and segment MAOP values. Meter Sizing - Support is provided for calculating pressure and flows through a variety of meter types - including orifice, diaphragm, rotary, turbine, and cone meters. Other measurement related calculation routines are also provided, allowing quick calculation of volumes at different operating pressures, base conditions, or atmospheric pressure conditions.

Gas Properties - Support is provided for calculating various physical and thermodynamic properties associated with a gas composition. Routines are included for calculating compressibility, sonic velocity, specific gravity, heating value (calorific value), viscosity, specific heat, entropy, enthalpy, atmospheric pressure, average pressure and temperature, and pressure, temperature, and volume values at varying conditions. Miscellaneous & Utility Routines - A number of routines are provided for calculating a variety of miscellaneous and utility values. Routines include calculation of velocity, hydraulic diameter, flow limiting devices, compressor values, well flow values, Reynolds Number, container volume, energy and dimensional units conversion, heat loss and gain across devices and piping, and value interpolation and extrapolation.

One convenient routine estimates gas loss from a punctured or severed line. Application Programing Interface - Many of the calculation routines are also available through the GASCalc 5.0 Application Program Interface (API). The API allows access to the supported calculation routines by way of programmatic function calls, allowing the User to create and access the calculation routines through their own interface or a custom developed user interface.

The API is available at an additional charge. Demonstration Software - Click to download a full featured time-limited demonstration version of the software. Web Based Application - Some of the more popular calculation routines from the GASCalc™ software are included in an abbreviated web based version of the software. The application can be executed from any device that can access the internet - including tablets and mobile devices. Click to register, log on, and begin using a complimentary version of the application.

Pricing & Licensing - Network, Enterprise, and Corporate licenses are available. Priced at $395 USD for a Single-User License.

Click to display all pricing options and an order form. Complete and return the form or to purchase the software. Maintenance & Updates - An annual maintenance fee may be applied for custom installations or in cases where a non-standard license agreement is used, otherwise no annual maintenance fee is required. Updates to the software are available for at no additional charge from our website. Technical support on the use of the software is provided by way of telephone or email communication at no additional fee.

Api 1102 Latest Edition Of Internet Banking

Supported Standards And Guidelines.