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American Precision Instruments How do I restore backed up data (Version3/4)? Version 3: The c: RegitExpressCe POSData Backup folder contains four backed up databases (inventory, history, receipts, and RPOS) and backed up copies of the Daily Master Sales Report (DMSR). These files have extensions corresponding the the day they were backed up (for example, history.5 was backed up on the 5th day of the month). Be sure to also check the 'Date Modified' on the database files to make sure it is not a backup from a pervious month that was not overwritten by a subsequent backup. To restore the databases: 1.

  1. Db3 Plus Software Update

Intuitive, attractive, and interactive dive profile graphs. Simulate your dive in real-time, add photos & memos to specific points, view data in tabular and graphical format, and much more! The AIR team is responsible for the core of much of the effects offerings in Avid's Pro Tools software, and also developed a suite of award-winning virtual instruments specifically for Pro Tools. It includes 122 preset sounds plus an extra-realistic convolution rotary cabinet and tube overdrive emulation. NAIMA’s FREE 3E Plus ® software program makes it easy to calculate the appropriate insulation thickness necessary for any application. To ensure accuracy, the program has customizable inputs for every aspect of your job—and offers default values if your exact numbers aren’t available.

Go to the RegitExpressCe posdata folder. Delete the Inventory.sdf, History.sdf, Receipts.sdf, and RPOS.sdf, (If also restoring the DMSR delete the dmsr.txt). Copy the latest Inventory.x, History.x, Receipts.x, and RPOS.x (x=day of month) from the RegitExpressCe Backup folder to the RegitExpressCe POSData folder. Rename the copied database files to inventory.sdf, history.sdf, receipts.sdf, and RPOS.sdf (rename dmsr.x as dmsr.txt).

If only having trouble with one database, it is not necessary to restore all databases. Any of the databases can be restored individually. This information is for the data backed up by the Regit Express backup utility or the automatic backup when closing the Register.

If you back up to another location, the procedure is identical with the exception of the location and the renaming of the extensions. To restore the secondary store (Store #2) database tables follow the exact same procedures above, but the 4 database names are preceded with a 'B' and the folder location is RegitExpressCe Store2 Backup.

Copy to RegitExpressCE Store2. Version 4: The c: RegitExpressV4 POSData Backup folder contains six backed up databases (inventory, history, receipts, RPOS, touch, and system) and backed up copies of the Daily Master Sales Report (DMSR). These files have extensions corresponding the the day they were backed up (for example, history.5 was backed up on the 5th day of the month). Be sure to also check the 'Date Modified' on the database files to make sure it is not a backup from a pervious month that was not overwritten by a subsequent backup. To restore the databases: 1. Go to the RegitExpressV4 posdata folder.

Delete the Inventory.db3, History.db3, Receipts.db3, RPOS.db3, Touch.db3, and System.db3 (If also restoring the DMSR delete the dmsr.txt). Copy the latest Inventory.x, History.x, Receipts.x, RPOS.x, Touch.x, and System.x (x=day of month) from the RegitExpressCe Backup folder to the RegitExpressCe POSData folder. Rename the copied database files to inventory.db3, history.db3, receipts.db3, RPOS.db3, touch.db3, and system.db3 (rename dmsr.x as dmsr.txt). If only having trouble with one database, it is not necessary to restore all databases. Any of the databases can be restored individually. This information is for the data backed up by the Regit Express backup utility or the automatic backup when closing the Register. If you back up to another location, the procedure is identical with the exception of the location and the renaming of the extensions.

To restore the secondary store (Store #2) database tables follow the exact same procedures above, but the 4 database names are preceded with a 'B' and the folder location is RegitExpressCe Store2 Backup. Copy to RegitExpressCE Store2. I have small items whose inventories I don't care to track. How do I sell these items? There are many ways to accomplish this, here is an example. Enter a new product into the inventory database table. Make the product code simple such as an 'm' or 'g' (not case sensitive).

For the description, enter Miscellaneous Item, General Merchandize, or just leave it blank. Use Zero for the standard price.


To sell the item simply enter 'm' then the correct price when prompted. If you have a lot of items you sell for a specific price, you might use 'm99', for items that sell at 99 cents. Place.99 in the standard price for the item.

There is no limit to the number of these you can create. My bar code scanner scans a different number than is in my database. Virtually every bar code scanner is programmable. For UPC's placing a leading zero in front, or sending or not sending the ending character (check digit) varies widely.

If you have an existing database that is different than how your bar code scanner reads, then you should reprogram the bar code scanner to read just the digits you want. Generally, this reprogramming is done by reading a series of bar codes in your bar code manual. If you need help reprogramming the scanner, call the company where the bar code scanner was purchased. If you purchase from API, then call us if you cannot figure out how to reprogram the scanner. How do you pronounce REGIT?

As with many computer names from the early 80's, the name REGIT was derived from DIGITAL REGISTER and we pronounce it as the root syllables are pronounced. However, you may pronounce it anyway you like. Reg ister + digit = Regit Why Did you switch to a different database engine from Version 3 to 4? Version 3's underlying database engine (MS SQL Server CE) did not allow for shared connections. This limited the operations to one register. The new database engine will allow us to introduce a second or third register for larger operations.

The networked solution will be called Regit Express Plus. My margins are too short on my Sales Reports and the figures wrap around. How do I reset them? The Regit Express Office's sales reports use Windows Wordpad to display the documents. If the margins are too close together the Reports cannot fit between the margins and will not line up properly. You cannot reset Wordpad's margins while the Window's default printer is set to a receipt printer because the width of the receipt paper is too narrow.

To reset the margins: 1. Open Regit Express. Select File, then Select Default Printer. Select your standard printer (laser or inkjet).

If you do not have a regular printer installed on this computer, you can install the Window's Generic/Text Only printer driver (included with Windows) which will allow you to format documents to a regular size. You do not need to have a printer to install the driver. Close Regit Express. Open Windows Wordpad (Windows Logo Button, All Programs, Accessories, Wordpad) 5. Select File (the down arrow next to HOME on Windows 7), then Page Setup. Expand the left and right margins, 1 inch on both sides will be enough. Select File, then save the blank document which will cause Windows to remember the margins you set.

Open Regit Express and reset the default printer back to your receipt printer ( File, Select Default Printer). If you print the Office's sales reports you can select your standard printer from within Wordpad as you print it. Can I add a second register on my network? Regit Express (free version) is a single user program. Can support up to 3 registers.

I get an error when I try to Tender using Store 2 or Training Mode. The original installation program for version only placed the receipt database tables for store2 and training mode in the wrong folder.

To correct this issue copy the database file BReceipts.sdf from the c: RegitExpessCe POSData folder to the c: RegitExpressCe Store2 folder and copy the TReceipts.sdf from the c: RegitExpessCe POSData folder to the c: RegitExpressCe TrainMode folder. First if you are still using Regit Express Version 3, upgrade to Version 4 on the original computer. Install the latest Regit Express Version 4 from this web site on the new computer. Copy the five database files Inventory.db3, History.db3, RPOS.db3, System.db3 and Receipts.db3 from the RegitExpressV4 POSData folder on the original machine to the RegitExpressV4 POSData folder on the new machine letting them replace the existing empty files that were installed during installation. If you also wish to transfer the past closing reports (daily master sales reports) then copy the dmsr.txt also located in the /POSData folder.

Transferring Register 2 or Register 3 For those using Regit Express Plus for Networks and you need to transfer Register 2 or Register 3 to a new machine, download and install the latest appropriate Register 2 or 3 on the new machine. After installation, use the NetSet program in the RegitExpressV4R2 (or R3 if register 3) folder to identify the path to the database files. Your local settings (for the respective register) will automatically transfer as they are located on the Register 1 computer with databases. If you are using hardware such as customer display or scales that write to a specific computer port, you may need to reassign the port number in Regit Express Plus to correspond to the correct port on the new computer. The currency symbol used with Regit Express is taken from Windows Control Panel's Region and Language section. Under the Customized Settings ('Customized Settings' on some Windows versions 'Additional Settings' on others) find the 'Currency' tab.


The Currency Symbol selection is on that tab. If the currency symbol is not working for your locale, you may turn off the symbol in the Office. Go to SETUP, SYSTEM OPTIONS, PRICING tab. Check the box for 'Do Not Display or Print Currency Symbols.' Can I switch to tax inclusive method in the middle of the year or tax period? You should either wait until the end of the year to switch to the tax inclusive method, or close the year first and then calculate the two closing reports separately at the end of the year. This is because the two methods will not mix to give you and accurate taxable sales report.

Db3 Plus Software

How can I convert from Regit Express Version 3 to 4. Our conversion utility transfers all data from Version 3 to Version 4.

Full instructions are on this.pdf: I don't want Regit Express on my C: Drive, how do I move it to another drive Now that the price of solid state drives (SSD) has dropped to a reasonable level, it is becoming a common practice to put the OS on a SSD and use another (frequently the original) drive for programs and storage. If you have not seen the difference an SSD makes in the speed of your computer, you are in for a real treat. Because you probably don't want to spend the big bucks for a large SSD, it makes since to put the OS (Windows) on a smaller SSD and use a cheaper standard disk drive for programs and storage. Putting Regit Express on your storage drive is very simple. By default Regit Express will install to the C: drive. Open Windows Explorer (now called File Explorer in Windows 8) or My Computer. Go to 'Computer' and open it so you see all the drives on your computer.

Open the C: drive and find the RegitExpressV4 folder (or equivalent if on Register 2 or 3). Hold down the shift key and click on the folder and hold the mouse key down. Drag it to the drive you want to move it to and release. If you don't hold down the shift key it will copy to the other drive rather than mover it.

Henry repeating rifle serial numbers

If you prefer, you can simply copy and paste the folder. Then delete the original folder on the C: drive. I see Letters and Numbers instead of Bar Codes in the Label Printing Program? The bar code fonts failed to install during the installation. Download our bar code fonts here: api3of9.zip contains the 30 per sheet fonts and api3of9s.zip has the 80 per sheet fonts. api30f9.zip also contains the fonts for bar coded transaction numbers on receipts and the Regit+ Scan List App. Apicode11.zip has the Code 11 bar code fonts for 58mm printers printing Regit+ Scan Lists. Download the compressed files.

Extract the files (Right click on the file and click Extract on the menu). After extracting, Right click on the api3of9.ttf file and click Install on the menu. Do the same for api3of9s.zip, and apicode11.zip if using these fonts. I get an Authentication Error from my GMAIL account when trying to use the Regit Express Email functions. If your Outgoing SMTP address, Authentication Name, and Password are all correct and you are still getting an authentication error your Gmail account settings may be set to not allow the emails.

To reset your Gmail account to allow the Emails go to. First go to the database table grid for the Products (Inventory) database table. For each product In the field named “ReorderQtyPoint” place the quantity you wish the item to show up on the reorder report when inventory falls to or drops below.

To see or print the report go to the Office, File, Open Database Table, Products (Inventory), Report Queries (top line menu), Open Saved Report Query, then select Reorder Report from the list of saved queries. Transactions that were saved prior installing an upgrade are not showing up after installing the upgrade. Prior to release, saved transactions were identified only by a transaction number, making it difficult to find the transaction from the a list of numbers. Release included a feature to allow adding your own reference to Saved Transactions making them easier to locate.

However, this required a new field to be added to the database allowing the program to show the reference info rather than the transaction number. To copy the old transaction numbers to the reference field so they will show up in the list, you can run this utility program.

First you must download and copy the utility program (updatedb.exe) to your folder. Then run the program. My Receipt and Report Printer settings and not properly switching between printers. Release 1511 of Windows 10 added a new feature 'Let Windows Manage My Default Printer'. This feature automatically sets the default printer to the last printer that printed. This feature is ON by default, but needs to be turned back off.

It is also a USER specific setting, so has to be turned off for each logged on user. To turn it OFF go to Windows Start Settings Devices and switch it to Off. You also need to upgrade to the latest Regit Express Version if you are using version or less. Why is showing my employees the inventory level per books considered an 'Internal Control Weakness'? As long as your inventory is kept accurate, there would not be problem. However, that may not always be the case. Consider this example: Your inventory per books for a specific widget shows 5 items in inventory.

The employee notices that there are actually 6 items in the physical inventory. The employee can remove the 6th item without anyone being the wiser. 'The other computer/register on the network is running-Database Table will be READ ONLY.' , even after shutting down or locking the other computer on the network. (+ Version) The system is designed to prevent concurrency errors by not allowing a database to be saved in the Grid while transactions are being processed on another system. The 'other register running flag' can be suspended by putting the other computer in 'Standby Mode' (File-Standby Mode) or exiting the other register. If the other register is not exited normally (e.g.

Power outage or other shut down the computer with the register still running) the 'other register running flag' will be left on. If a other register running flag has been left on through a not normal shutdown (not exited out of the program normally), you may easily clear all register running flags. If running version and above: Go to HELP (top line menu), then to 'Help About Regit Express' (last one on help menu) on either register 1, 2 or 3 Hold down the ALT Key and the Ctrl Key together, and then press the L key. If done correctly you will then see the message 'All Other Register Flags Cleared.' If you are not using or above: You can still clear the flag by entering the Regit Express program on computer that was not shut town properly and entering the Office, then exiting the Office, then exiting the program. (Keeping current is a good idea!

Db3 Plus Software Update

Version Upgrades are free and easy at ).