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  1. 2011 Hyundai Elantra Limited
  2. 2011 Hyundai Veracruz

. Market manipulation. One of the things I've gained from this site is the concept of market manipulation. I never thought it was so prevalent, but now I know it is. I actually consider its effect when I make trades.

Several days ago, when AAPL was moving toward 220 I sold 210 calls. My reasoning was that they will probably pin this month at 210. They came in big time as the stock moved ever closer to 210. I agree with Phil's comment that one of the things we need to do is find out what they are manipulating, and how, and hitch a ride. They are doing this with several equities. I've actually seen one article describing several equities that were being manipulated to pin at expiration each month, and describing how it was done, and of course Phil has described it well.

In some ways it's easier to figure this out than it is a ‘normal' market behavior, and thus easier to make money in certain equities. Iflantheman. Hello Phil, Thanks for the heads up on the comming sell off on friday, and the bs job yesterday. Your our guiding light! Microflux. WISH TO EXTEND A BIG THANK YOU!

I netted about $18,000 on the short Jan puts and the annualized ROI/M is mind boggling! Hope to meet you some day and buy you and your significant other a nice dinner. Best Regards Newt Newthugger. Phil – great calls this past week, esp. Friday and monday. In the old days I would have let Prechter et al scare me into trimming my longs and going short at just the wrong time. Your feel for the markets is Tiger-esque.

CHK, HOV, BX, TLT and XLF are big winners for me today. My biggest up day in a long time. Terrapin22. PSW – Price/Value; The value of PSW on a regular basis exceeds by far the price of the annual subscription. The edition of February 26 'Which Way Wednesday – Popping or Topping?' , – priceless for the serious investor. Winston.

Dear Phil, I have followed along with your commentary and alerts and have been flabbergasted at your quick analytical skills and your journalistic skills to explain it clearly. In a little over three weeks I have cleared almost 1000.00 dollars and got an intensive education at the same time. I would like to immediately upgrade my membership. It is hard for me to follow all evening as I am in Tokyo but I can join you at the beginning of the market and read the next day. Tokyolife. Thanks for the USO mention, Phil, 140% on my USO lottery ticket in 12 hours, and no hesitation in taking the money and running — you have trained us well. Sometimes it's teaching, but with this kind of stuff, where you get whipped like a dog if you let 250% profit melt away, it's definitely training.

Happy Fourth!!! Zeroxzero. GMCR – Just bought back my Jan $90 callers on GMCR for a nice $10,000 gain. Thanks for the recommendation Phil! It was nice to cash in on a momo.

Palotay. I am struck by several things over the last few days. First is how level-headed we all are as Greece and China develop. Second is how very helpful it is to see the different trading styles we have, partly because of personal preference and partly because of different stages of development and education. It's very helpful. Well-done, Phil, to have developed this community. Snow.

Best day ever trading the futures, thanks to Phil's excellent call this am, and his 'play the laggard' instruction. Well done Phil!

Deano. I'm just starting my second year as a member, and I'd like to thank all of you for sharing your trading ideas and insight, and especially Phil of course for great all-around investing advice as well as trades! In addition to learning patience and profit-taking, I think one of the most important things I'm learning here is to stick to stocks and trades that suit my temperament. And wow, I had NO idea how hard it was to learn patience. I should say 'practice' instead of 'learn', because it seems to be a constant struggle. Phil, please keep reminding us how nice CASH is!

Jerseyside. I picked up one of your recommended Gold plays, the July ABX 30s and sold the Feb 35s, which are now mostly intrinsic value. Is it time to roll these to the March 37.50s, or should I wait this spike out?

Bill Hoffman. Oxen (directly) and Wilkinson (indirectly) are making me a great day trader! Props to Andrew for another little nugget last night: HIG. $20 Dec calls paid 6% quickly this morning.

And helloooo STJ - a few days, but nice pick nonetheless - esp with early cover premium. Dstillwe. I've recently done exactly what Phil described. I upgraded my ability to trade the IRA acct. By transferring acct.

From TDA to TOS. TDA would not allow spreads; TOS does.

Neither will allow naked options. With spreads I am able to buy calls or puts several months out then sell front month calls or puts over and over. This allows me to collect premium, which is, of course, the goal.

This wasn't an original idea. Phil put me onto it. Since the transfer I've substantially increased my performance in the IRA! Iflantheman. Phil – Great calls yesterday, you were in top form.

As I was reading your postings, I had hindsight of what the day brought. The calls were uncanny! Jfawcett.

Opt, I think the hardest thing is being disciplined enough to trade with you. Atleast now when I see something go in the red I know how much I'm going to loose and that I will profit somewhere else and have enough money left at the end of the day to trade again. Thanks for all your hard work! My stress levels are down 75% and I have even made a small profit in the short time I've been here Mopar. Phil: Once again thanks for those inciteful comments, and the old links to Sage's portfolio management (I hadn't read before). I'm an experienced stock trader, but over the last 3 or 4 months have come to appreciate options trading here at PSW, and the consistency of your many premium-selling strategies.

It is liberating to have to worry less about getting direction right and being able to generate 5% MONTHLY returns with close to delta-neutral positioning. Much appreciated!

Neverworkagain. Thanks to Phil (again) for the lessons on the art of the roll, selling premium and hanging tight under fire (particularly in the first hour of trading-MADNESS). Watching you manage the $25KP has really helped my trading in a big way. Oknoman. Phil - It is nice being more discipline with my trading.

Generally, I am out earlier than most, but my results, overall, are much better than they were when I was trying to squeeze 80 cups of lemonade out of one lemon! On the other side, I am learning the value of rolling and turning losses into non-losses or small gains. I so appreciate the time you have spent with me and others who have benefited greatly from your knowledge. Dclark41. /NKD- Kownichiwa Cowboy!! One week of patience and scaling in and out pays off.

This is a testament to Phil's fundamental analysis with the PSW technique. JohnO. TBT - Many thanks, Phil.

I join you in your opinion favoring the Jan expirations. That's a great play. I can never thank you enough for what I have gained educationally as well as monitarily. Here it is late Sunday evening and I am able to get world class advice, just by asking for it. I feel like I am staying in a 5 star hotel, and room service is just a telephone call away! Gel1.

Well I want to thank P. Davis for his style and for the fact that he affirmed my thoughts for a correction. He was right and his confirmation of my bias saved me thousands.

Davis is amoral when it comes to money. He realizes the poor are screwed but we must fight to win. A measure of sarcasm and dark humour and it is great reading.

100% right on the correction. Chaffey. Peter D, Just a note of thanks.

Eight weeks ago, I entered my first RUT strangles, when the RUT was at 625. Tomorrow, I will let them expire, with the RUT at 625 (give or take). I didn't care when the RUT went to 650, nor when it dropped to 590.

Easiest, no touch money I've made in a long time. Judahbenhur. Phil – just wanted to say a sincere thank you for teaching me how to offset, hedge, roll, and not panic. My account is up 10% in the last two weeks, and far from panic, this is becoming great fun. Thanks again, Deano. Wow, Phil, we pretty much made your levels. Your levels: Dow 7,404, S&P 775, Nas 1,466, NYSE 4,839 and RUT 402 My sceen is showing: Dow 7,404, S&P 777, Nas 1,462, NYSE 4,868 and RUT 404 Jordan.

Hey Phil, You called all the trends and market movements with perfection this week. I enjoyed it! Thanks for keeping us sane! GClay. USO, QQQ- Phil, thanks for these plays. Out of USO for about 65% gain today and just keeping 1/4 QQQ.

Ksone88. Thanks Phil for helping make this a much, much better year this year than last. Your tutelage has been so very helpful.

Don't think I can say Thanks enough. And I thanks all the members here who were work hard in helping us all to become better traders, and I would say better people as well. The support many of you offered when we evacuated during the fire this past year helped me immeasurably. Happy New Years to you all! JBur. Phil, Passed a milestone today since joining 2 months ago.

25% of my account is in buy/writes, bull call spreads and disaster hedges. A majority of the trades were taken directly from your ideas or someone else`s contributions.

Some were daytrades that became spreads. That part of my account is up 30% as of today. I don`t worry about it, or mess with it much, did a few rolls etc.

Rest of the account is there to day trade, cover the writes and take advantage of opportunities. Thanks to everyone who contributes here, what a sweet way to trade, so many opportunities. Ben1Be. Phil, thanks for the call on the SKF puts earlier, I'm riding that horsie downhill right now, giddyup!. Phil - DIA 107 Calls.

As suggested I am taking the money and running to home depot for some shelter supplies! This is the grand finale of several successful trades from you through this roller-coster and as you have further suggested it is time for me to sit back and relax in cash. May even be able to talk my wife into the premium membership after these intelligent trades in a stupid market. DOStrade. Phil Killed it tonight trading copper. Anyone who jumped in right after election is up about 75k on one contract!

Thanks Kapella. Phil: well, often you say, just for FUN, great comment, TXS, closed 2 SKF positions, one with 10%, the other with 6% gain, RMM. Joined last year and and started profitably trading options thanks to everything I have learned here. OnWisconsin. Simply the best blogger with the greatest group of members a person could surround himself with on trading day. I've been trading for quite some time now and the insights & suggestions offered by Phil and the members keep me on a continuous learning cycle.

DDay. Phil is a fundamentalist to his fingertips. His ability to value a stock goes well beyond p/e, as he understands the essence of many businesses, what gives them value and how they make their money. As such, his recommendations are invaluable to a investor who takes a value-oriented approach.

Zeroxzero. I have been trading for quite a few years and in good years made about 25%. After joining PSW, I followed closely the PSW strategy and my trading profit for this year is close to 70% to date. For fun, I like to mix in a few 'Hail Mary' plays that really worked out well, but overall the simpler Buy/Write strategy, as presented by Phil so often, created the majority of the profit. Gel1.

Phil, thank you for all the education here. I've gained so much knowledge being a part of PSW. Thanks to the rest of the members as well! I appreciate all of the contributions you make.

JeffDoc. Hey Phil, You called all the trends and market movements with perfection this week. I enjoyed it! Thanks for keeping us sane! GClay. I have been here for 8 yrs, and find it the best service out there.

There are more eyes on the market in this forum than anywhere, and opinions abound. So, relax, and let the group help you out. Pharmboy.

Phil, I have the SRS 2011 $7.50 short puts you recommended awhile back. I sold them for $2.20 and now $1.51 (up 31%) although SRS has been down since inception. This was a nice mellow way to play it like you said, thanks. Jomptien.

Thanks, Phil!!! I just crushed today with it with silver (SLV) calls today, thanks to your persistent reminders of how ridiculously cheap it has become, and watching my TSLA this week $240 puts dissolve into chump change added an extra note of amusement. Zeroxzero. Phil- I want to let you know that you really helped me make some money this morning when I probably would have lost on my own. I was stuck in doctors waiting rooms most of the morning starting at 8AM. By following the game plan you laid out and using my smartphone, I went short on oil whenever we got to 61.50 and long at 61 waiting for the spikes ahead of inventory.

When 10:30 rolled around I was out after selling longs at 61.60 a few minutes earlier. I went short at 61.75-61.80 and voila, rode it down to 60.60 or so. Craigsa620. Being a bear is easy (and I am not convinced we are doing all that well on the whole as an economy), but one cannot fight the trend (didn't Phil say that a while ago)?

Just cover, make 5-10-15-20% and move on. It really does add up by chipping away. All I can say is I am back to 2007 levels in my account b'f the crash with this run up and some very nice help on this board.so kudos to us (and me!!) Pharmboy. The strategy you have laid out pretty much mirrors much of my trading activity. I also mix in some momentum plays and 'drop dead' bargains that come across my radar. My YTD trading profit is 63%.

Back in March when Phil said 'unless you think the world is coming to an end, then NOW is the time to start taking positions in Buy/Writes with the VIX so high.' I jumped in with both feet - ( thanks, again Phil) Chaps. 1,000% on SKF - It was a freakin' monster into the center field bleachers! I saw it play out live and squawked it from the StockTwits ID which 14k people follow: Home run trade of the week @philstockworld just knocked cover off ball w $SKF puts. Great trade bud!

2011 Hyundai Elantra Limited

Phil Pearlman - StockTwits. I like the retirement picks too. The futures trading is certainly more sexy, but the boring retirement picks are the ones that consistently make me money.

Jjennings. Speaking of the 'Man Who Planted Trees', it really works. I bought BTU back in March at $49.87. I practically bought it at the tippy top. However, I soon afterward found this site, started learning Phil's methodology(and those in the strategy section) and began selling calls/puts regularly against my bad position. As of yesterday, I still own the original 100 shares, but have brought my basis down by over $11.00. Couldn't be happier, what started out as a really bad entry, I have managed to work down to a good basis.

Had I not watched that video and learned your system, I would sold out of the position, and been kicking myself for making such a bad entry. Hoss. Phil fantastic call on the markets I owe you BIGthanks and have a great weekend! Kustomz. Phil, You were on the $ today with your calls almost exactly on the turns – Krap kuhn krup (Thai for thank you very much).

Yesterday, President Trump crashed the Dollar by completely reversing his stance on China,: ' They're not currency manipulators' which is exactly the opposite of what he ran on in his campaign, Trump insisted that one of his first acts as president would be to direct his treasury secretary to label China a currency manipulator. It was part of a ' contract' with American voters that he pledged to fulfill. In fact, Only days ago, in an interview with the Financial Times, Trump reiterated that campaign pledge. ' You know when you talk about, when you talk about currency manipulation, when you talk about devaluations, they are world champions,' he said of China. ' And our country hasn't had a clue, they haven't had a clue.'

That's not the only major reversal we have this week, Trump gave held a press conference with NATO Secretary General, Jens Stolenberg and Trump explained his reversal there saying: '“ I said it was obsolete. The freeze was a key campaign promise, featured prominently in a that Trump dubbed his “Contract with the American Voter” and in which he also promised to reform the tax code, repeal Obamacare, and spend $1 trillion on infrastructure projects in his first 100 days in office - Wednesday was day number 83. If Trump is looking to devalue the Dollar, mission accomplished because nothing spooks investors out of a currency faster than political instability and, if you can't tell which way the Government fees about major policy issues from one day to the next – that's about as unstable as things get! Worst of all for the markets, if we don't have day to day policy consistency, how can we continue to count on Trump's other promises to fix healthcare, lower taxes and build giant walls? Without these things – all we have left is our hatred for immigrants and poor people. Meanwhile, the President claims victory on Job Growth, which fell 50% in March, Energy, which is 12.5% more expensive than when Trump was elected, Regulations, which were protecting citizens but are no longer doing so and The Border, which was never an actual problem and still is/isn't because nothing has really been done other than a few showy round-ups and asking for bids for a wall that hasn't been budgeted. Does Trump hate Kim Jong Un because he's better at pretending things are going great than he is?

Maybe it's because he is worshipped as a God while Trump is ridiculed as a buffoon? Trump hates Kim so much that he's offered to pay China if they ' solve the North Korea problem.' Wouldn't giving China a BETTER trade deal – on any pretext – be a complete and utter sell-out of the Trump base? Policy uncertainty is a given. Betrayal of the electorate is a matter of opinion but those things are running headlong into economic uncertainty as we wrap up the first quarter of 2017 and begin seeing earnings reports and the first real economic data of the Trump Error (day 84). This morning we got the PPI report and that was down 0.1%, shocking leading economorons, who predicted it would hold steady after last month's 0.3% increase.

Low PPI is not good for Corporate Earnings since it reflects the prices the domestic producers receive for their output. Pair that with rising labor and materials cost (energy priced up 12.5%) and you have a bit of a margin squeeze. Earnings are expected to be up 10% from Q1 2016 and, though Citigroup (C), JP Morgan (JPM) and Wells Fargo (WFC) all beat on earnings this morning, none are gaining from the results and WFC is down 2% with clear signs of a slowdown in lending. C and JPM's gains came mainly from Investment Banking and Trading, not from the ordinary business of running a bank, so don't look for any good news there to benefit the sector, which has pulled back considerably from it's highs (we are short FAS calls in our Short-Term Portfolio). Yesterday, in our Live Trading Webinar (where we made over $250 per contract in 2 hours trading oil ( /CL) lower), we discussed a potential long trade on the Ultra-Short Financial ETF (SKF) and now that the earnings are out on some of the banks, I am more in favor of it than I was yesterday. SKF is currently at $29:35 and a good way to play it (and it makes a good hedge) is:. Buy 20 SKF May $27 calls for $2.35 ($4,700).

Sell 20 SKF May $30 calls for 0.75 ($1,500). Sell 5 C 2019 $45 puts for $3 ($1,500) That puts you in the $6,000 spread for net $1,700 and all SKF has to do is be over $30 in 36 days (May expiration) and you collect $6,000, which is a $4,300 (252%) return on cash but you would have the remaining obligation to buy 500 shares of C, which is now $58.50 and just reported great earnings, for $45 through Jan 2019. That will cost you about $2,260 in ordinary margin but still a nice return ($4,300) no matter how you slice it. Speaking of slicing, but still pegs overall growth at 1.3Mbd though now they are warning that ' this outlook could still prove optimistic.' As a perpetual skeptic, it's the word ' optimistic' that stands out here as the International Energy Agency is supposed to represent the people of Earth who, as consumers of fuel, would like to see prices lower and demand lower, not higher.

Sadly, like our own EIA, the IEA has become a puppet for the energy industry. We're still looking for more downside to oil into next week's contract rollover but, after that, we plan to join the bull party into July, when we'll be shoring again. That's not flip-flopping, that's planning to play a seasonal market where the Fundamentals (massive oil supply glut/low demand) have been thrown out the window and a lack of regulations allows the markets to be manipulated with such regularity that we can make a nice living playing it. Tomorrow is a holiday so have a fantastic weekend, - Phil. Once again, many muchos for the SODA trade of last week. Finally out of all three legs. I didn't want to wait for expiration tomorrow and the possible peg at $70.00, following your dictum to not get greedy.


Flipspiceland. Simply the best blogger with the greatest group of members a person could surround himself with on trading day. I've been trading for quite some time now and the insights & suggestions offered by Phil and the members keep me on a continuous learning cycle.

DDay. The wonderful resource that Phil has created for us and nourished by its members is so powerful in what it can teach us going forward, but also what we can learn from the past. I never say it often enough, but Phil – thanks for all the work you do for us. Winston. I have been very fortunate over the years as an investor. Last year was on of my best in terms of percentage gains. I have to attribute much of this success to my membership in PSW which gave me the best education available anywhere when it comes to the understanding of option trading, discipline and general trading strategies.

I will be forever grateful to Phil and the many 'highly skilled' traders that have offered their advice. Gel1. Phil, Thanks for the long calls@ $ 85 on AAPL. A quick $4900.

Paid for my subscription!! Newthugger. I have definitely learned to take smaller wins early and be happy with that. Lately, I've aimed for $250 profit per day. Doing that daily/weekly x 48 weeks (assuming I take some time off) works out to 60k per year.

That's a lot of money!! $250 moves happen all the time if you just wait for them. JeffDoc. Phil, 3 for 3! Sold on initial excitement and made a double on USO, 70% on AMZN and 70% on SPY options from Friday. Thanks and much appreciated for the suggestions.

Gingbaum. 1,000% on SKF - It was a freakin' monster into the center field bleachers! I saw it play out live and squawked it from the StockTwits ID which 14k people follow: Home run trade of the week @philstockworld just knocked cover off ball w $SKF puts. Great trade bud! Phil Pearlman - StockTwits. Thanks Phil for helping make this a much, much better year this year than last.

Your tutelage has been so very helpful. Don't think I can say Thanks enough. And I thanks all the members here who were work hard in helping us all to become better traders, and I would say better people as well. The support many of you offered when we evacuated during the fire this past year helped me immeasurably. Happy New Years to you all! JBur.

You guys gotta give it to phil–the voice of reason yesterday, last nite and this morning. Corleone. Phil I have been applying your arsenal (matresses, Edz plays, Ugl verticals etc.) to my gold holdings.

So a big thank you for 'teaching me how to fish' rather than just giving me the fish. Magret. Phil: Closed out ZION with 49% gain! RMM. Phil, did you by chance publish the weekly webinar on Youtube yet? I have been watching these and they are awesome. Unfortunately, I can't cut out of work to attend live webinars.

Again, they are just awesome content – thank you. Jcpdx.

I am an investor, not a trader. The information at Phil's World is top-notch and always relevant. It is great to see your website thriving.

Prof. Well that was a fun day. Cashed out my GS 140 calls for about 35% profit and my AAPL calls for 38% gain.

Not bad for 40 minutes of work. Back to 85% cash. Singapore Steve. Phil/USO Adjustment Thanks for showing us the make it even (maybe even profitable) tricks for 'fixing' a losing position. I would have never known the trick if you didn't explain it. The option adjustment techniques are very helpful. Trading stocks would probably never offer that kind of flexibilities!

Investwizard. I really would like to meet all of the posters here who seem like an intriguing bunch of intelligent, opinionated (without being obnoxious or condescending most of the time), and well spoken people. Not so easy to find in this age of instant gratification and me first attitudes. Usually this results in groups where misinformation is used to gain an advantage, or whatever it takes to beat the other guys.

I love the one for all, all for one vibe here, sharing your best ideas and helping each other work together for a common goal, to be successful investors! Craigsa620. I enjoy your informative materials, Phil. As it is obviously beneficial to so many 'styles' of trading the markets.

Long term, swing or day trading the market moves. As a longer term trader, I really like you long term calls, as I for one recognize the difficulty of calling these, because the further out you go in time, projecting price movement becomes more difficult. I have to congratulate you for your accuracy.

You called the March 2009 market upward reversal almost to the day, and the AAPL reversal to THE day. Only one who has been a student of the economy and the markets over a period of time could have done this, and so many other accurate calls. I'm sure it was difficult and consistent work, but it did pay off. Thanks from one who benefited big time! 1234Gel. Thank you Nantucket.

It is hard to be a complete beginner in the market with this complicated, fast moving, and very advanced group. Phil is the Great One, but the membership is absolutely amazing! Had I known this ahead I would probably log in as 'awe struck' everyday.

2011 Hyundai Veracruz

Coke. Hey Phil, Your HOV suggestion about 3 months ago basically paid for my Philstockworld subscription for years to come. My average cost is about $1.

Ether. Phil: Once again thanks for those inciteful comments, and the old links to Sage's portfolio management (I hadn't read before). I'm an experienced stock trader, but over the last 3 or 4 months have come to appreciate options trading here at PSW, and the consistency of your many premium-selling strategies. It is liberating to have to worry less about getting direction right and being able to generate 5% MONTHLY returns with close to delta-neutral positioning.

Much appreciated! Neverworkagain. I have been trading for quite a few years and in good years made about 25%.

After joining PSW, I followed closely the PSW strategy and my trading profit for this year is close to 70% to date. For fun, I like to mix in a few 'Hail Mary' plays that really worked out well, but overall the simpler Buy/Write strategy, as presented by Phil so often, created the majority of the profit. Gel1. I can't believe it.

After 2 Months of reading every post of every section on this site, the light bulb finaly went on. I was begining to think this was beyond me capacity to understand. Specifically Phil, Pharm, Cap, Matt. Im still Green as a leprechaun but I pulled the trigger on that SRS Vertical you laid down yesterday Phil.

Now if I can just figure how to roll I migh make some money. Thanks for sharing, This community you have here is quite remarkable. Zucko. Way to go Phil! Have I said how much I appreciate your site lately!

Your ability to teach and your willingless to give others a forum to demonstrate their own skill sets makes your site remarkable. I got great help from you, jmm1951, and Iflantheman (special thanks!) today. Hell, if I have many more days like this I may even be able to sign up for a full year rather than doing it just quarterly. Tomorrow is another day but, fabulous job today! Dclark41. Phil, i wanted to thank you again for helping me protect future stock allocations at work - finally, i feel like i am owning my own destiny with stocks vs.

Letting the market dictate what you get – thanks again. Nramanuja. Nice intraday trading calls this week Phil. You have me hooked on trading SPY options analogously to your DIA moves. I paid some tuition the last few weeks but I think I have the hang of it. Don't be greedy and be happy with 0.05 to 0.10 and sometimes you're lucky with much bigger moves. Thanks for the training!

TmDecay. Phil.You have absolutely NAILED IT! This is not a bull market, nor is it a bear market.

It is a Rangeish market, and it's going to stay that way for a long time (the latter is my prediction. I love the word. What I love more is the fact that I've found someone with some investing intelligence greater than mine who can assist me in playing this type of market.

Your description today of how it's playing out is right on. I predict some media ‘guru' will steal your word and your description within the next few days and we'll all get to read about what ‘they' discovered about this market. Iflantheman.

Your discussion during your web seminar on SPX and SDS today was great. It really let me see how you look at the numbers and use the 5% rule to see where inflection points occur and what the bands look like. This was incredibly helpful.

I actually sold out of my small short position at a good profit ( which was more a bet on a short term fluctuation rather than a hedge after listening to you) and will look more deeply at my portfolio and how to hedge it. In addition your view on hedging was also very helpful looking at the leverage you can get w/ a small spread, and protect portfolio against a big move against me.

Thank you for your sharing this. Very helpful. Batman.

Tesla et. – I've spent many months getting hammered shorting overvalued Momos, until, finally, I internalized Phil's message. Play small; give yourself plenty of room to double/move up the lack of value chain in terms of price. Play short; take Musk's, eg. latest bleep and sell the spike for a short time frame, because his tweets always come to naught.

I've been coining money doing it, I just watch that premium melt away with scarcely veiled amusement. Swinging for the fences is for suckers me, for a long time. Those little gains really add up — $2k per week of evaporated premium and you could actually buy a Tesla by the end of the year!! Zeroxzero. TBT - Many thanks, Phil. I join you in your opinion favoring the Jan expirations.

That's a great play. I can never thank you enough for what I have gained educationally as well as monitarily. Here it is late Sunday evening and I am able to get world class advice, just by asking for it. I feel like I am staying in a 5 star hotel, and room service is just a telephone call away!

Note: The material presented in this commentary is provided for informational purposes only and is based upon information that is considered to be reliable. However, neither PSW Investments, LLC d/b/a PhilStockWorld (PSW) nor its affiliates warrant its completeness, accuracy or adequacy and it should not be relied upon as such. Neither PSW nor its affiliates are responsible for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of this information. Past performance, including the tracking of virtual trades and portfolios for educational purposes, is not necessarily indicative of future results. Neither Phil, Optrader, or anyone related to PSW is a registered financial adviser and they may hold positions in the stocks mentioned, which may change at any time without notice. Do not buy or sell based on anything that is written here, the risk of loss in trading is great. This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security or other financial instrument.

Securities or other financial instruments mentioned in this material are not suitable for all investors. Any opinions expressed herein are given in good faith, are subject to change without notice, and are only intended at the moment of their issue as conditions quickly change. The information contained herein does not constitute advice on the tax consequences of making any particular investment decision. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situations or needs and is not intended as a recommendation to you of any particular securities, financial instruments or strategies. Before investing, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and, as necessary, seek professional advice. Site owned and operated by PSW Investments, LLC. Contact us at: 403 Central Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ 07506.

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