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Fsx Beechcraft 1900d Cockpit


Well here goes, I Flew the real girl for around 6 years or so from the left seat, and the right, not going to pull the log book out but it's well over a couple of thousand hours on her. So, I'll try and tread carefully here lol, This is mostly just a real world comparison for the purists When Carenado anounced developemnt, I was enthralled. PMDG's version was more than a little disappointing releasing a 'light version' So I thought well carenado's, version, if nothing else, she'll at least aesthetically look right.

Beechcraft 1900d Aircraft

But I did hope they would go a liitle deeper Systems wise. So I'm thinking do I buy this thing or not, I mean how could I not, We've got history. This was the machine I cut my two crew teeth on. I've flown her in some pretty attrocious weather and conducted some Hardball approaches and landed off some real dark night 'black hole arrivals' she got us home every time, safe and sound.

Hey folks, does anyone know a link to an air canada beechcraft 1900d (besides air canada virtual.com)? FSX/FS2004 – Beechcraft King Air C90 Stellweg Airlines. AI version of the HTAI Beechcraft C-90 operated by Stellweg Airlines. In the package you will find this Beechcraft C-90, operated by Stellweg Airlines in 32bit textures. Added few pictures allowing first glance in the -view section- of this zip-file.

What an awsome IFR platform she was too. Most had no autopilot, some did but, a lot did'nt. It did'nt really matter in 2 crew ops, she had great handling characteristics anyway. Typical Beech, stable as a rock. A seasoned driver could fly her half asleep, one eye half open with two fingers lightly touching the yoke, with your right knee resting against the trim wheel feeling for any potential trim runaway.

So what do I say about Carenado's rendition, Well of course I'm going to be passionate. It's all too easy to be torn to shreds on a forum because someone missunderstood the context, cultural differences or some misconstrued paragraph. Such is the limitation of internet forums, with the usual: 'Oh it's a $40 or what ever I payed for it, piece of software.

Or 'Thats typical Caranado' or it's a limitation of FSX, of which I'm happy to agree with to a point. Now I admit I will pull my Manuals out again and confirm some stuff and its early days yet with the usual Service packs, mods and what have you.

Ok so initial impressions, I like it!alot!!! Visually She looks right, big tick the snag list is relativly long though, but it's to be expected I guess I will do a whole lot more flying with it and update the good the bad and the ugly. So far I've just gone through the various systems on the ground engines running for about 3 or 4 hours and then took a quick flight from KDYS Dyess AFB to KNFW NAS/JRB Fort Worth default weather. THE LIST (observations) Handling: -So far the numbers are about right.Handling so far feels right.

Props could be a little more Draggy at low torque settings, she should slow up ok if high and want to get down with power off or low.will fly a little more with it - on the Main instrument Panel: -Battery gang bar operates in the wrong sense i.e push down on bar to turn batt and gens off carenado got this wrong with all their Beech turbines.EFIS AUX POWER not operative, cannot test it, Their Carenado Kingair 200 does have the switches I'm sure of it will heve to boot her up again and check, although not functional, the switches were clickable at least. In test mode with master battery on- makes a continous high pitch beep until silenced with red button.No gear horn silence button.markings for it but no button near gear handle.

You Kind of need it for low torque settings i.e Emergency Descent or when you get track shortening and you end up high on descent profile the gear Warning horn will sound below 84 to 86% below N1 -Gear Handle easily selected (even if mouse clicked) while up on ground a solenoid should hold it down. There is a down lock release button to the immediate left of the gear handle selector. A bit deep systems wise, FSX limitation?, nice to have? Anyway just saying.No gear handle light test button, I'm sure they modelled it on the Carenado B200 King Air -A BUG-Altitude Alerter locks up. It must be tied into either the vnav part of universal computer or cabin pressure controller or something.

Which it shouldnt, Its just an alerter. I would select it on FSX but it would return to its last setting. Arming VS back down to last assigned altitude and playing havoc with the autopilot I'll give it some more trouble shooting to see whats causing it.Environmental Mode control T switch no workie. I'll test further, It's been a while. But from memory it was a no dispatch item. Test Simulates an overtemperature condition causing to overtemp sensors to shut down the environmental sytem.

Beechcraft 1900d Performance

The P test was usually a maintainance test not normally conducted by the flight crew -GEN TIES? I'll play with this a bit more, a critical bit of kit on this Bird.Fire loops test seem to work correct YAY!!! -Comm switching cannot monitor both freqs at once, FSX limitation maybe although a few payware developers have overcome this Also on the Collins Comm radios you can store regularly used frequencies.

I had the old FFS SAAB-340 for FS9, had this function and you could actually do this, which is pretty cool even by todays FSX standards.the SAAB and the B1900 have share the same Collins Nav/Comm option. This would be on the nice to have list -left and right pitot switches linked. I.e default Kingair.left and right landing lights linked. On the pedestal: -Park Brake handle operates in wrong sense. Should be, pull on push off.Electric trim master switch not functional -Cannot test cvr, Just an observation.PA Auto Brief. Would have been a nice touch.not implemented.

(put an MEL/Inop sticker next to it, they do break I guess) -AP CLB DESC mode buttons not implemented Cued the flight director pitch bars in climb mode, to provide climb pitch relative to a changing IAS cue to altitude, from memory it gave a pitch cue of 160KTS to FL100, 150KTS to FL180 and 140KTs to FL250 as a rule of thumb. I used it all the time on the 'D'.

But I'll have to dig my notes out on the actual numbers as it was a while ago Never really used the DESC mode though, as I used to ride the barbers pole all the way down when I could, I remember, a senior captain saying; 'If you can see the barber pole, you're either too fast, or too slow!' - AP Soft Ride and Half Bank no workie not functional. You need half bank operative in cruise, unless you really do get a kick from scaring the begeezus out of your PAX, Hey they do pay your virtual wages. Not going to get into Soft Ride too much, its a nice to have option.No yaw damp master switch.errmm.Universal FMC All the UE and UC series that I had Flown (three different companies) Had KLN90B GPS Units on the main instrument panel. So can't say much about the universal Unit, except it seems functional and that you don't see many around, probably because servicing them were expensive in a GA market and all the associated bits that went with it probably ate into the useful payload.

Actually whole Auto pilot system seems a little default FSX'ish, Sorry, but it is mostly functional and point's you where you wanna go, It's just dumbed down a bit maybe - Displays: -EHSI outer Compass rose in HSI mode should be white not green. Yep, I'm Spent, wasn't how I planned to spend my 4 days off. I would just like to see her done right, They're a good honest workhorse in the real world. I was interested to read your comments about the EHSI color. For the C90, I actually modified the gauge so it would switch between white and green, depending on the nav source. However, I thought that white would mean VLOC and green GPS, since the Garmin GNS uses those colors. You indicate the other way around.


White for GPS? Would like to know, in case I touch this gauge again. Ha Bert, yeah I actually had to pull my manuals out in the end. Some of it goes Deep in to the Collins system, some of it barely a paragraph and some from memory. It's getting very late here.

So gonna get some sleep, (what is it with sim world and burning the midnight oil), but if you like I can pull the manuals out and tell you what turns which colour and when. But basically its Rockwell Collins EHSI-84 and a EADI-84 display GPS in arc was white, with track line in white in HSI mode compass outer bezel was white with data such as DME, GSP, CRS radial are green VOR in PRE format were Cyan on my manuals GS index is green also.weather radar was also displayed on EHSI in map mode. Here check this out ironically enough this machine has the KLN90B GPS actually I'm a little baffled why Carenado chose the universal unit. I Flew the real girl for around 6 years or so from the left seat, and the right Wow!! Thank you for your initial review. It's exciting to hear from someone that has flown the real B1900.

Beechcraft 1900d Interior

I noticed also, that it seems to be hard to slow down, but I figured it was just me, since it was my first flight. Knowing you have so much time in the real aircraft and still enjoying this beautiful simulation, is going to make me enjoy it all the more. I'll be really looking forward to your full review, after you get a chance to spend more time with Carenado's version. I certainly hope they listen to your suggestions, but I know that they will. They have a great history of listening to the desires of their customers and doing their best to implement them.

UPDATE: I've uploaded a new tutorial for the 1900 with Commentary, Feel free to check out Videos 1 to 4 here: This video is very long, so I've noted some key times that you may wish to skip ahead to: Routing. Set Climb Power. Approach Start. I made this video to help simplify the autopilot from beginning to end, including a precision approach into Halifax, NS. The purpose was mainly to address the autopilot issue where the selected altitude appears to stay stuck on 1000'. This issue is a very common one and when I finally realized what I was doing wrong I felt I had to share so that others could benefit from the information. Its simply a matter of the GPS/FMS switching from enroute mode to approach mode.

No matter where you are along your route when you arrive at a point that the FMS deems fit to start the selected approach the plane starts to descend to 1000'. Once this occurs you must select the Approach button on the autopilot and then you can once again set all of your required IFR minimum altitudes as listed on your charts and plates. In the real aircraft, I am sure its much more complicated then the FSX world. I hope this video is helpful to anyone interested in the Carenado B1900 D's automated flight.